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Welcome to My Second Brain

My second brain is a strategy to leverage technology as an extension to my brain. The concept of a second brain, digital gardens, or personal knowledge management has piqued my interest in the past but I haven't been able to fully execute on an effective system for it until now.

After reading Building a Second Brain by Tiago Forte, I finally have a system that I’m satisfied with.

My aim is to utilize technology for what it is good for and increase my productivity. At the same time, being able to cultivate my own little part of the web again is exciting.

Although my second brain is very much geared towards helping me first and foremost, maybe somewhere along the way, you’ll be able to find useful bits here and there.

How to browse


At a high-level, my second brain is organized with the PARA system– with one addition, the inbox.

The categories equate to the following and are reflected in the sidebar.

  • Inbox: Entry point for scrappy notes.
  • Projects: Short-term efforts in life that are being worked on.
  • Areas: Long-term responsibilities to manage over time.
  • Resources: Topics or interests that may be useful in the future.
  • Archives: Inactive items from the other three categories.

Progressive Summarization

For some notes, you'll notice parts that are bolded or highlighted. These notes have been progressively summarized to highlight the most important parts to me.

This boils down to bolding the parts that stood out to me. Then going over those bolded parts and highlighting a subset to pick out the most important points to me.


Things might be broken. Links may not work. Notes may be moved. Notes may be in progress. Things may be hard to find or make no sense at all.

This is very much my own second brain that I’m opening up on the web. So please excuse the mess.